01、我发现了个能快速升温的方法,来我身边,悄悄告诉你有多“热” 。
I found a way to heat up quickly. Come to my side and tell you how "hot" it is. 内容来自wdjuzi
02、晚上这么无聊,要不要来我这,我们一起“探讨”心跳加速的秘密 。 来源WDJuzi.com
It's so boring at night, do you want to come to my place and we'll "explore" the secret of rapid heartbeat together. 本文来自温度句子
03、我的床今天跟我抗议,说它想多一个人,你要不要来安抚下 。 本文来自温度句子
My bed protested with me today, saying that it wants to have one more person. Do you want to settle down? 本文来自温度句子
04、我刚做了个好梦,醒来发现少了你,要不你现在过来“续上” 。 Wdjuzi.com
I just had a good dream, and I woke up to find that you were missing. Why don't you come and continue now? 来源wdjuzi.coM
05、我猜你现在床上缺点啥,要不我带着“温暖怀抱” 去凑个热闹?
I guess what's wrong with your bed now, or shall I join in the fun with a "warm embrace"? 来源wdjuzi.Com
06、晚上一个人睡多冷,不如来我这,互相“取取暖” 。
How cold it is to sleep alone at night, it is better to come to my place and "get warm" with each other.
07、听说被窝和你更配,要不要来验证一下是不是真的。 来源wdjuzi.coM
I heard that the quilt is more suitable for you. Do you want to verify whether it is true? Wdjuzi.com
08、我最近在学按摩,要不要给你试试,重点按按“敏感区域” 。
I'm learning massage recently. Would you like to give it a try? Press the "sensitive area" key.
09、今晚月色很美,要不要一起研究下人体的“恒温机制”呀。 来源WDjuzi.com
The moonlight is beautiful tonight. Do you want to study the "constant temperature,mechanism" of the human body together? 温度句子,分享好句子
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